Helping the Internet of Things, Storage of SiRun products in China Mobile Intern

  • Company News    2018-08-22Share news to:
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On August 21, 2018, many products of SiRun were successfully warehoused in China Mobile Internet of Things Alliance, among which the "SiRun EV Monitoring Platform" program was successfully warehoused in the "China Mobile Beijing Corporation Internet of Things Eco-Alliance Partner Application Library"; "SiRun T-BOX" and "SiRun TSP" two products were successfully stored in the "China Mobile Beijing Corporation Internet of Things Ecology Alliance Partner Product Library".

China Mobile Internet of Things Alliance

The China Mobile Internet of Things Alliance is a mutually beneficial community jointly initiated by China Mobile and several partners in June 2017. It is a cooperative community of enterprises, institutions and institutions engaged in related industries such as IOT chips, modules, terminals, networks, platforms and applications at home and abroad, participating in accordance with the principle of "voluntary, equal, cooperative and win-win". It is a cooperative community around the frontier technologies, products and solutions related to the IOT industry chain, public service platforms, etc. Professional operation services and other non-profit organizations to carry out research and development, application landing, industrialization and other work.

The aim of China Mobile Internet of Things Alliance is to promote the wide application of products related to the industry chain of Internet of Things, promote the exchange and collaboration of partners in various industries of Internet of Things, and build an eco-circle of Internet of Things with win-win cooperation and cooperation in the direction of "open sharing, win-win cooperation". After the alliance was launched, it has been highly valued by the industry. Nearly 100 enterprises actively participate, and member units cover all links of the industrial chain.

Successful warehousing of SiRun products

China Mobile Beijing established the Eco-Alliance of the Internet of Things, which aims to collaborate with partners in the operation of the Internet of Things industrial chain, project support and business security. In order to make the best use of Beijing Mobile and its partners, Beijing Mobile has set up "Three Libraries and One Room" which includes "Partner Library of the Internet of Things", "Partner Application Library of the Internet of Things", "Partner Product Library of the Internet of Things", and "Beijing Mobile-China Mobile Joint Laboratory of the Internet of Things".

Several products of SiRun were successfully warehoused today, and the SiRun EV Monitoring Platform program was warehoused in the "Partner Application Library of the Internet of Things Ecology Alliance of China Mobile Beijing Company"; "SiRun T-BOX" and "SiRun TSP" two products are stored in the "China Mobile Beijing Corporation Internet of Things Ecology Alliance Partner Product Library".

SiRun EV Monitoring Platform

The SiRun EV monitoring platform design strictly refers to the national standard GB/T 32960, builds and improves the monitoring platform for new energy automotive enterprises, helps enterprises monitor and manage the operation safety status of key systems such as vehicles and power batteries, uploads information about vehicle safety status in public services to local monitoring platforms, and accepts supervision and random checks from national monitoring platforms. Satisfies the enterprise level monitoring, the national and local level supervision, and the three-in-one management and control mode.


Based on the world's leading commercial platform architecture design for Vehicle Networking, the platform design not only follows the most advanced NGTP version 2.0 architecture in the world, but also fully independent research and development on this basis, upgrade iteration to form OPEN Cloud platform, using all modular design concepts, to achieve flexible configuration and combination of services, functional reuse and fast put into use, to meet the requirements of vehicle networking access. Provides various car owner function services based on APP, provides vehicle management platform for car dealers, etc., and provides operation management platform for operators to access (call center, etc.) related car factory operation management services.

SiRun T-BOX is a multi-functional, low-power terminal system designed for data communication and control of vehicle applications.

Service Function

Management Function

Today, with the deepening of globalization and the rapid change of information technology, we are ushering in the era of mobile Internet of Things technology explosion. SiRun has joined forces with China Mobile to serve the industry informationization, promote the upgrade of the Internet of Things industry in an all-round way, and look forward to a new era of interconnected everything.

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