New Energy Vehicle Telematic Solution

  • Solution    2018-10-08Share news to:
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The design and application of automobiles is one of the most challenging engineering topics in the world. Although automobiles continue to withstand dramatic temperature changes, continuous vibration and frequent human negligence, people still expect them to run flawlessly for many years. Requirements for new energy automobiles are higher: not only to reduce body weight, increase power-weight ratio, but also to shield high voltage power to protect the function of electronic devices in the car. Of course, the safety of drivers, technicians and first aid personnel must also be guaranteed. That's why car manufacturers rely so much on the safety and reliability provided by our contactors, sensors, harnesses, connectors and terminals.

The Ministry of Industry and Information has adjusted the scope of new energy vehicles to pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles and fuel cell electric vehicles, and strengthened the safety monitoring of new energy vehicle products, requiring real-time life cycle monitoring of the operation and safety status of all new energy vehicles that have been sold. Zhang Zhiyong, an automotive industry commentator, believes that attaching importance to quality will help the benign cycle of the new energy automotive market.

In order to fulfill the requirements of safety supervision for the promotion and application of new energy automobiles, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the Notice of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Further Performing Safety Supervision for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Automobiles (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology [2016]377). The document requires each enterprise to establish a new energy automobile enterprise supervision platform and complete the docking work with the national monitoring platform. Since December 5, 2016, Beijing Polytechnic University has held "National Monitoring and Management Technical Seminar on New Energy Vehicles, Technical Joint Meetings", and officially launched the website of National Monitoring and Management Center for New Energy Vehicles ( on December 7, 2016 to receive applications for test reservations from vehicle enterprises. SREN has helped many car manufacturers complete data transmission tests for new declared models, vehicle terminals - enterprise platforms - National platforms. This is also considered to be an important measure to strengthen the safety supervision of the promotion and application of new energy automobiles, and to promote the healthy and sustainable development of the new energy automobile industry.

The time-sharing leasing mode of "depending on the happiness and disaster" of new energy automobiles must also receive the same attention. As the access threshold of new energy automobiles increases, the same problem must be faced based on the development of new energy--safety monitoring must be strengthened and real-time monitoring of automobiles must be carried out periodically.

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