Sirun's research achievement "Hybrid Control Model for Vehicle Platooning&q

  • Company News    2023-10-19Share news to:
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In the field of intelligent transportation, vehicle platooning is an important way to improve road safety and efficiency. However, due to various unreliable factors affecting communication between vehicles, such as delays and packet loss, designing a robust control model for vehicle platooning is a key research focus.

Recently, Sirun's technical team proposed an innovative hybrid control model for vehicle platooning in the paper "A Hybrid Control Methodology for Vehicle Platooning based on Linearized Decoupled Control Law". This model comprehensively considers V2X communication delays and packet loss, while greatly reducing the adverse effects of communication delays and vehicle actuator delays on vehicle platoon stability in the V2X connected environment.


Hybrid Control Model for Vehicle Platooning

The model is composed of a global controller and a local controller that interact with each other and can adaptively switch according to V2X communication quality. This design not only considers the overall state of the platoon operation but also increases the perception of local states between vehicles, greatly reducing the adverse effects of V2X communication delays and vehicle actuator delays on vehicle platoon stability. In addition, the model introduces a speed/acceleration monitoring module that greatly improves the stability of individual vehicle control and the anti-interference capability of the entire platoon.


 Longitudinal velocity & Steering wheel angle

Lateral & Steering wheel deviation

Path tracking results


The simulation results of the model show that the longitudinal velocity and steering wheel angle of each vehicle in the platoon can maintain good consistency, and the path tracking has achieved good results, verifying the effectiveness of the proposed hybrid control algorithm in this paper.

After being selected by the ITS International Organizing Committee, this paper was successfully selected for the 29th ITS World Congress. On the morning of October 20th, Sirun will be invited to attend the technical paper conference: TS37 Platooning, where it will present and introduce Sirun's work related to vehicle platooning in the V2X connected environment.


Conference Agenda

The ITS World Congress, initiated by intelligent transportation international organizations in Asia-Pacific, America, and Europe, is the most influential international conference in the field of intelligent transportation, also known as the "Olympics" of the intelligent transportation industry. It is also a platform for showcasing cutting-edge transportation technology and products. With the theme of "Intelligent Transportation for Better Lives," this congress will feature multiple important conferences where guests will share global perspectives on key intelligent transportation issues, promote research on cutting-edge transportation technology, and facilitate the application of transportation systems.


The 29th ITS World Congress

Sirun has always been committed to research, development, and promotion in the field of intelligent connected vehicles, providing global leading solutions for connected vehicles and high-quality services. As one of the leading companies in intelligent transportation industry, Sirun looks forward to exchanging ideas and experiences with experts and scholars from around the world at this conference, promoting cooperation in vehicle platooning control technology development. At the same time, Sirun also expects to make greater contributions to the field of intelligent transportation.

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