Zhongtai Intelligent Network United Automotive

  • Case Update    2017-01-03Share news to:
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On November 15, 2016, the Third World Internet Conference was officially launched in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province. As one of the representatives of Internet travel, the Zhongtai 5G Intelligent Network United Auto Team showed up in Wuzhen with its prototype auto-driving car and displayed auto-driving on a "transparent road".

With the theme of "Innovation Drives Benefit People - Join efforts to build a community of the destiny of cyberspace", this year's conference invites 1,200 Internet leaders worldwide to discuss and exchange ideas on the Internet economy, Internet innovation, Internet culture, Internet governance and international cooperation.

Logistics, travel and other transportation issues under the background of intelligent interconnection technology are an important topic discussed in this session. Participants agreed that the auto-driving technology with the core of intelligence and network interconnection will greatly change the way people travel in the future, and will also rebuild the entire automotive industry.

Transparent road is a scientific research project being carried out by Zhongdian Haikang, including the construction of large data platform of transportation and traffic travel information service model, intelligent road network facilities, promotion and application of 5G vehicle networking technology and other technical verification links.

As an important partner of Zhongtai, Sirun (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. will continue to work closely with Zhongtai to create more perfect automotive networking application technology, and provide continuous support for Zhongtai Intelligent Network Automotive Application.

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